Before I go into the review I would like to tell you Happy Birthday!
I hope it was a super duper good one and lotsa good stuff happened.
Now onto the review!
Beginning with the amazing preloader, I loved how it went to a black screen with the star swirling around. It was a really neat effect.
In the menu the bouncing blue faces were nice and smooth, I like how it matched the background with colour. And the scan-lines added a nice effect to the whole feeling of the menu, it really can draw you into it and give you a great feeling! And this is before you even start the flash!
Although I am saddened by the fact that BlueHippos are endangered :'(.
Master Hippo: One of my favourite parts of the bedroom scene is the BlueHippo and Zekey poster, I have seen it somewhere before and have always really liked it. I am glad you used it in this flash!
The ROFLMuffin mouse pad was really cool, I would totally get one but I use a touchpad :(, I would probably still get one anyway though!
BlueHippo sure knows how to stay stylish and up with the trends with his cool gear.
It took me awhile to notice the bag with 'Dank Nugs!' written on it, although once I saw it, it was very obvious that it was there the whole time, how odd!
I have a calendar like the one BlueHippo has on his desk, except it is in another room, it is really useful. I thought it was a great idea to have your birthday written on it!
It looked like BlueHippo was working really hard on that flash! He must have been worn out after all of his hard work.
BlueHippo probably enjoyed his nap a whole lot! The Great Bunny of Easter sure was wise, I haven't had a visit from him... yet. Maybe one of these days he will come and show me the way! The glow around the Bunny was nice, it really brings out the bunny, it gives him more 'power'.
The Bunny was 100% right, you made a cartoon and now everyone is happy :), especially me!
I would definately be inspired if the Great Bunny of Easter came and visited me, I could probably do anything!
BlueHippo had a fun looking monocle and tie, he should wear them more often! He sure can pull it off.
I was shocked when the bunny stuck an Easter egg in BlueHippos butt! It twisted the plot so much, I could only feel this way for an animation of yours!
Master Sinister: Amazing drawing of BlueHippo! It is extremely smooth, the eyes look really swell too. And I can see the faces from the menu again!
Nice choice for a song as well, Blue, Blue, Blue. It seems everyone used to be really big into that song for awhile. Shame they forgot to add a 'blue hippo' into the lyrics :/.
I am sure BlueHippo was really confused when he opened the box! He had no idea what to expect from it! He handled it really well though, I would have been way freaked out!
I wish I could have had some of that delicious cake!
Master StagBeetle: A very fun song you have in here! I was never a real 'big' fan of MSI but I knew a lot of kids who were, so eventually I learned all of the lyrics and figured I would be living with them for awhile so I should just enjoy the music!
I am sure BlueHippo had an extremely happy birthday! And your flash must have added the cherry to the cake! The final touch to it!
It definately topped off the flash, I wasn't sure how the ending could be, it would be hard to go along with such amazing flashes before, but you sure did a fantastic job! Nothing less than the best!
Such effort and work must have been put into this flash, and I hope BlueHippo had his best birthday so far! If I could have visited him and wished him happy birthday you know I would!
Another note on the menu, I love the song. I remember it from The Swell Collab X-Mas. That was an extremely good flash as well!
I have never been let down by artists such as yourselves, I hope that you all continue to do such great work and release a bunch of super great flashes to rule Newgrounds like no other!
I am amazed on how well this flash was put together, it is flashes like this that make me want to go out and make a flash! :D!!