Cool banner lol.
There's no such thing as a fireproof wall.
Joined on 5/15/05
Cool banner lol.
holy shit you're jewdudwtf's brother. That's cool.
Nice site too.
Haha, when I said my brother, I was actually talking about a separate person. I never really thought it being read that way, whoops! It would RULE to have David as my brother though!!!!
Thanks! I really need to get around to fixing it up more getting ready for the new layout. It should be reallAY nice after that! ;)
Haha, were brothers! :O
So much to comment on, but where to start....
I'm glad your Dad is doing better. That is always good to hear.
I'm sorry that the district divided us. Had I lived one mile south or one mile east, I would still go to Oak Park. :'( At least your still making super grades!
I have all the THE, so I'm good on that. Sooner or later, I'm sure they'll be the top listened to band on I think I'm enjoying the new Jihad better than WDU.
Looking at your list of shows, I've seen I've gone to a lot of shows with you guys. Ghost Mice and Heathers was amazing. I still find my self replaying the one Heathers album I have a few times in a row every now and then. Morrissey was really cool too, but the 7 hours of waiting in almost freezing temperatures was way more fun than the show itself. Pat never showed up as far as I'm concerned. But that was fine, because I found out that RealD movies are way better than 3-D, and now I only watch movies in RealD.
I'm still drooling over Simon's levels. They make me believe there is still some good in the world.
As for the pic, it was really really really bright.
Thank you so much! It's great to know that he's still making progress :)
That line has to die!! I MISSED YOU SO MUCH! ;_; Super grades are always good!
I still have a song that I haven't done vocals for lol. Josh has some more stuff in mind, so once we start recording more often again, we should be releasing more songs! We are gonna rock dem charts!! I'm not sure which one I prefer-they both are sooo good! I think the WDU album would have been better if there were more songs that hadn't been recorded before, but I'm not complaining! I LOVE "Proudhon in Manhattan" sooooo much! I can't really pick a favorite from AJJ. Every song is amazin'!
You always make the shows a whole lot more fun! The Ghost Mice/Heathers show was a wonderful time. Hopefully they come back again... and together! Heathers did a fantastic job with their album-there isn't a single bad/not-so-great song! I sooo agree! Morrissey was such a downer from all of the excitement we had before the show! RISK RISK RISK RISK! Pat better come next time, and I suppose we should too! RealD is like soo breathtakin'! I still have my pair of shades!
I have a sheet over my keyboard to keep me from destroying it with my drool! Simon must have a box of good hidden somewhere.
Yeah, I'm disappointed with the picture. I didn't really have anything else though. I was planning on getting a picture with you and Max when you were both over, but I forgot! NEXT TIME WE ALL GET TOGETHER WE GOTTA TAKE SUM PIX!!!!
Luckily that line only exist for us for one more long, miserable year. I'm not really sure if I'm going to college right after high school, so if I take a semester off or something, there will be plenty of time to make up for what the district has taken away. :(
I'll be waiting for those recordings anxiously. So anxiously I'll probably find it hard to sleep until I hear them.
I love going to shows. We should have done Warped Tour this year. It was so punk and none of the bands were big, so the money would help them get there. Like, I've never heard of 3oh3!
I actually carry around a bucket now because I drool so much because I'm always thinking about those amazing icons. I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!
I'm only disappointed because I look so pale in it and I'm looking in the side like a creeper. But a photo of all three of us would be amazing. It would probably be the best looking picture ever made in the history of everything.
That miserable year is just about half done! I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing after high school, haha. You shouldn't worry-I know you'll get it figured out! YOU GOT THAT RIGHT!
I bet it has been ABSOLUTE HELL sleeping! I really need to get to working on more stuff. Maybe once break comes up I will be able to finally record some stuff... I can hope!
303030303030303030303030330303 DON'T TRUSTA HO HO HO HO LOL AAASFewu!!!@e Maybe nXt year we will make it!! If we R punx enuff!
Simon should sell buckets! He would make BILLIONSSSSZ!! I can't wait either!!!!! Hopefully this break will also bring me closer to doing more work with the site. It's what I always say. I just hope this time I do it.
I really should've got a picture of us all. Next time for sure! The light can really crank up the brightness. It must have been sunny! Like how it is now!!!!!!!!!!
harryjarry, even if you are not inspired to do some things, you inspire ME. also I responded to your post on my userpage. woooo
You saying that inspires me! WHAT A CRAZY CYCLE/CIRCLE/WHAT.
I am going to reply to your reply on your post on your userpage that you were talking about in your post that I'm replying to right now. It will be a good time-no-a great time!
Thanks a TON TON TON!! I don't know if I can accept the KING OF COOL. That seems to be really really cool! If you really think that it's for me, then I will be glad to take it. I would never doubt your judgment! YOU ARE BEYOND COOL SO YEAH!!!!!!
REAL LIFE STATS?!?!?!?! I don't have too much experience with that!! BUT I did get every question right on my personal finance final today! I only missed one because the final for the review gave the wrong answer. I only picked the same answer the review gave (the wrong answer) because the teacher said that the review and test were identical. WHAT A LIAR>>>>>>
Oh well though! That class is over now! I HOPE YOU'RE RAKIN' IN THE DOUGH!!!!!
I only have a MacBook, but it gets the job done great for me! I hope your Pro has been treating you well! FAST FORWARD THROUGH TECHNOLOGYYYYYYYY (ANIME FOR THE MOST PART)))))
You must be doin' some great studying-your 19/20 essay probably was the BEST essay ever written. No. DEFINITELY WAS THE BEST! I think your teach meant to give you 20/20, but they accidentally wrote 19 because of how blown away they were!!! I used to read a whole lot more, but I haven't been doing too much lately. It's another one of those things I always mean to get around to but never do. I really love reading though; it's one of my favorite things to do.
My college/after high school plans are very iffy at the moment. I don't really know what I would go into. I have a lot of interests, but I don't know what I would put my main focus on. I also don't want to put anything in stone and have something unexpected happen with my dad. I have heard about people going over to third world countries and helping out, and I think that would be an amazing thing to do. If I can find something that could involve that and something else that I feel I can do very well, I will try to pursue it. In the past two-three years, I've learned so much about the horrible quality of life that others have, and I really want to be able to do something to help out-in any way I really can.
Thank you so much :)
It really does mean a whole lot to me. I know I don't really know about your family at all, but I hope that they're doing great (and you too ;P)! My summer was fun while it lasted! Now we're onto winter break, so that should be even MORE fun! WORLD FAMOUSSSSSSSSSSSS B)
We will rock the world!
Dude, I downloaded your music. I like it. :D
Ah! Yay :)
Thanks for listening and commenting! I will be sure to let you know whenever we get some other stuff out. DDDDDDDEfinitely!
I sure havn't been around a lot lately :(
Women, they take over my life..
That makes me sad :(
then again, it's been the same for me. I need to do more stuff.
Take your life back Simon! YOU NEED IT!!!!!!!
Nice medals! :P
You look like this kid I knew in 5th grade who liked hentai, and I thought he was really fucking weird.
That couldn't possibly be me-I went through my big hentai phase in second grade. Oh, ho, ho, fifth grade was quite another story ;)
Sure am happy!
GOOD! You better stay happy!! ;)